2010….into 2011



So much has changed in this one year. First things first.. I now have a baby boy! He truly makes my heart go pitter patter. He has brought many moments of laughter and tears. He’s a kind old soul that just wants to smile and run! He started walking at 8 months old. But, because I’ve been so busy with Alexander and of course Isabel.. and do not forget Sarah! I’ve not had time to spend time with my lovely beads.. until recently. I’ve recently gotten everything in place to begin again my love, my craft. Let me tell you what I’ve been playing with… Beautiful miyaki seed beads. I’ve been creating French Beaded Flowers.. This is one of my first..

From Vintage Mom Creations.. Little Pink FlowerSo much is coming into my heart and mind now.. I just don't have enough time in the day to create all of my thoughts! But, avid reader.. prepare for an arresting amount of delicious beaded pleasure coming soon.. my heart can't be contained for long!As a side note I thought I'd share my newest photo of Ms. Isabel ( she's the one with down syndrome that many of you have grown to love) she's now 4 years old and a wonderful big sister. One of my best friends Joy created this wonderful piece of digital art for me ( you can find her on the internet by searching "Goddessjoy" she makes WONDERFUL jewelry.. and is an artist I guarentee you will love.. her link is also listed on this page) anyway.. here is my baby girl now.. Isabel~our down syndrome princess!


Isabel~our down syndrome princess!

That’s all for now my friends.. Keep watching for more beautiful creations.. coming from Vintage Mom Creations…

This is a smile..

That you will never forget…







She brighten’s the entire world…

And has a happy heart that can see through it all..











God Blessed us with “Down Syndrome”…THANK YOU! THANK YOU! We are SO blessed.

Great Minds Want to know…

Is it just me or does it feel like the world bounces around on it’s axes now? Each and every day someting happens and I react “What?” “Seriously?”

 The latest bounce happened here…McCain picked Sarah Palin.

She has a son in the military ( just like me) Her name is Sarah ( just like my middle daughter) and she has a child with Down Syndrome ( just like me). Ironic huh?

The only main difference is this.. She could possibly run the United States of America.

My question to you, my readers, is this.. What do YOU think? I will not tell you my party affiliation.. or my opinion at this point. Tell me what you think of all of this? Does she have what it takes?








Does He?

I really look forward to hearing what you have to say… The time is going to fly right up until November.. I hope we have one fabulous debate..

Thoughts from a morning sunrise..

I find myself thinking about this journey we call life. It’s amazing to me .. As a young child I thought that life was to be lived. Just lived. I didn’t question the heavens about my wedding dress like other little girls. I didn’t follow the latest movie stars or watch alot of television. I was just too busy living.

I thought that’s what you were just supposed to do.. Live. Little did I know that most folks just are not like me. I suppose I’m a little different in that aspect. I would look to the birds and the trees and watch for the leaves to turn their backs to me.. which meant a thunderstorm was coming. Even as a small child, I knew this to be true. I also knew, even as a child that I wasn’t just a little girl. I knew then that I was living a life.

This blog.. is supposed to be my “business” blog. But, again, I tell you, I’m not your normal person. I just think that we should go back to the old ways of doing things a bit. So what if I’m writing this on a computer and not with a quill. Doesn’t that make it more fabulous that I’m willing to share myself with you.. just like back in the day when you could come to my store and have a cup of coffee and saddle your horse outside and you could really know me before you bought a thing from me?

I think it does.

Therefore, today I wanna share my family with you, just a little more.

As most of you know, My son Travis has joined the United States Air Force.

Now, I could sit here all day and tell you about his journey, his accomplishments already but, instead I’ll ask you to look into his eyes.

Look at the future. Look how he is just living his journey.. He’s not afraid to let you see him as he is. He’s not thinking of the days when he will be old and it may be difficult to see. He is just living. Isn’t it wonderful? In this photo below, he is preparing to go and leave for the military.. where for all intents and purposes he could possibly lose his life. And yet, he’s smiling as he gets to his knees and makes himself small so that he can be a shorty too.. He can laugh at the world and smile at the simpleness… Because he’s living. And he’s not ashamed of one damn part of his life. He’s secure. And I’ll have to tell you, As his mother… I am more proud than words that I gave the world this man. This is your Air Force. This is the future. So, when you are worried about the state of the world today.. and you are afraid of what we are to become in the future.. you just come and look at the hope of our future. Go and take a look at the men and women that are signing up to protect us now. They all have this same spark in their eyes. As an American, as a native american, as a mother and a women I have to say that I’m incrediably thankful for the men and women that shine from within. They will live, if not in history books or novels.. they will live forever in their mother’s eyes and I for one plan on telling everyone that will listen.. all about living. Travis would want me to.




God Bless,

Thank you for listening,

Renita… a.k.a. Sweetgrass~Cherokee~Self Representing Jewelry Artist #1688 Vintagemomcreations

The Artist hidden inside your mom…Featured Artist FireTickChick

When we are children we take advantage of our moms. It’s just a fact. We just think of mom as a little weird.. a person that cooks for us and cleans for us and loves us unconditionally.

Well I’m here to tell you , WE are more you little mommies monsters! We are.  Here.. take a look!

Today my featured artist is Firetickchick…


She can Make YOUR Big Girl Bike out of Glass!

And.. look at this..


I love it!! And it’s fresh and it’s glass and HOW MANY OF YOU CAN DO THAT?? 😉

 FireChickTick Original Design – Fused Art Glass Pendant – Peppermint Stick Cluster Pendant

It looks good enough to EAT! A peppermint stick fused glass charm with white glass, topped with red stripes…drilled and wire wrapped, and ornamented with swarovski crystal, glass cat’s eye beads, and red and green seed beads…all securely, neatly wire wrapped.  

About the Artist..
Hi, I’m Karen, I’m a married mom with a bundle of children. I’m a stay at home mom, a glass artist, a firefighter, and EMT, and a proud parent of an autistic son.

All of my work is handmade in my in studio, in my “free time” hahaha. 🙂

I have always had a fascination with glass, thank you to my dear grandmother, who is a gifted stained glass artist. Thanks, GG! When I was a tiny little girl, My GG would allow me to mess around with her glass and her tools, and show me all of the wonderous and fascinating things about glass. She pointed out beautiful things that other people would never notice, always. A flower in her garden, a funky antique china cup, an old jar.

**My GG passed away on January 8th, 2007. I am going to miss her so dearly, and I’ll always be so grateful to her for changing my life, and for making me notice beautiful and unusual things. I
wouldn’t be me, if it weren’t for her. I dedicate all of my art to my beautiful May. *kiss*

I hope you adore the things I make.


Visit Karen at http://www.firetickchick.etsy.com  and her blog! at http://firechicktick.blogspot.com

As I always say folks.. if you haven’t been to Etsy.. you have to come. http://www.etsy.com 

Fresh Artists, great prices..

Many Blessings and thanks for reading yet again~

Renita~ http://www.vintagemomcreations.etsy.com


Stress FREE Christmas!

More and more now as technology overwhelms me and I throughout my dreams I hear the phone ringing instead of the wind blowing I just want to SCREAM when someone mentions Christmas. I wanna be stressfree. I wanna sing christmas carols and hug my children close by and giggle merrily like I did when I was a child.

As I push through the christmas blues and stress this year I find myself happily easing into a stress free life. It’s called Etsy everyone! I can click away.. ordering happily online from other people that care about their things. Product is handmade with love and humor and eases my pain of STRESS.

I found the stress RELIEVER!! Wanna See?

From Black Rose in London~ The Dammit Doll!!


From Black Rose.. A description…. 

“Here is another version of the popular stress reliever doll, using my own pattern

Not sure what to get as a present for a friend, family member or work colleague – well here we are!

Dammit Doll is made from a 100% cotton fabric – which I’ve handstitched and stuffed throughout with supersoft polyester fibre filling. His/Her hair is made of merino wool. Buttons have been used for the eyes and mouth.

Dammit Doll is further embellished with a red satin heart upon which sits a striped tabby cat (button)

Dammit Doll measures 10.5″ (27cm) in length

find the Dammit Doll right here… 



How about that for some stress relief??

Of course if you’d rather go the more gentle stress relief.. especially for the men in your life that are trying to run everyone over in traffic..How about the..

“Lets Hear It For The Boys Lavender Herb Sleep Pillow”


from Black Rose 

“For centuries, people have stuffed their mattresses, pillows and sachets with natural herbs and flowers,to give the area they sleep in a lovely aromatic smell, ward of illness and evil spirits and also to help them relax and fall asleep. The most popular herbal sleep pillow is a lavender herbal pillow.

Lavender balances the emotions, reduces stress, tension and conflicts. It lifts the spirits and yet relaxes both the mind and the body.

Here is one for the boy or man in your life (or indeed, yourself). 100% cotton fabric handstitched and decorated with 2 small buttons and then filled with a generous amount of dried lavender herb infused with lavender essential oil.”

Find the pillow here.. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=7914531

Ladies and Gents, Whatever you end up doing for your holiday season, try to remember to be kind to one another. Many people allow stress to overcome them this time of year. Let’s try and keep things simple yet beautiful. Let’s support your local artists and try to be as many homemade goods as possible.

I know as a artist/jewelry maker/crafter myself that I am honored each and everytime someone buys from me and I put my whole heart into making sure you are happy. Do the big guys with the huge shopping carts do that? no.. not anymore.

Buy Handmade, Buy Etsy



What should I buy everyone for CHRISTMAS???

Hang around.. I’ll help you! Let me tell you about this magical place.. the magical land of Etsy.

Etsy isn’t just a bunch of women just hanging out and sticking junk in their shops for the latest auction. Etsy is truly the land of wonderfully talented artisians. I’m amazed each and everyday when I look around and see the FRESHEST items!
Sometimes I’ll see something that catches me totally off guard and makes me just laugh right out loud. Folks, there’s talent at Etsy and creativity that is totally unbeaten. Look at this from Rachealanilyse.. (I burst out laughing when I read the description!)


( ok.. now look at the photo..and the little gingerbread faces and read on.. )

from the description:

“Oh, the holidays. Hot cup of cocoa, a plate of cookies. But look out! The gingerbreads are being eaten!!! The shock! The horror! The praying for mercy! The missing limbs!”

The Stats:
• Set of 5 cards and envelopes from my original illustration
• Each card is made from white Strathmore textured paper, blank inside
• Cards measure 5×7 inches
• Envelopes have small red and green ornamental design printed on the back
• The edge of each card is deckled (I also have an assortment that aren’t deckled)

 see what I mean? Not only beautiful cards.. but they made my day. I smiled, I laughed!!

Get them right here! ( you have to look at this shop!!)



And then I was looking for something else that was functional, something for the babies of the family. ( or maybe even something that makes mommies life easier) And look at this.. Have you ever heard of Diaper Dust?? Again.. The creativity in names and product amazes me!


From Sweet Beans
Diaper dust Rosie Rose


again from the description…

“This elegantly simple diaper rash remedy will amaze you with its power. Sprinkle Sweet Bean’s Diaper Dust on that heartbreaking rash, and watch it disappear in short order! Sweet Bean’s is a traditional home remedy trusted by mothers for generations for safe and effective healing.

Sweet Bean’s Diaper Dust comes packaged in a charming miniature “flour sack,” constructed from calico in “Rosie Rose.” The look is retro and sweet!”

I’ll tell you , come on over to etsy and just spend a few hours. ( guarentee if you come.. you’ll stay and never leave!) You are darn sure to find something that will make all of your gift giving much much easier!
Blessings from Vintagemomcreations,

A proud Cherokee Woman.. A note about the artist called “Vintagemom”

A proud Cherokee Woman. Yes, I am.


 I didn’t know what I “was” most of my life. If you look at my father you would say.. Well of course they are indians.. just look at him. High cheek bones, jet black hair, steely grey green eyes, He was the epitimy of Native American male. Little did I know when I began my genealogy research that I would find that my family lines go flying all over the place even from my mother’s side!

 My genealogy and my research have taught me many many things. Details about my family of course, but, more than that.. My genealogy has taught me about myself. 

I’ve learned more than anything that to be just “yourself” and to hang on to your standards makes  just a “person” a really good person. I believe in creating things that are meant to live on after I go.

I create. That’s me. A cherokee woman that creates and yet, not in the traditional way. I’ve yet learned to peyote stitch with ease or make the old tools in the natural way. ( I’m learning that.. but it takes time) What I do is create jewelry. I see beauty in the beads. I’m an adorner of sorts. It’s my job to create something beautiful to hang upon your body. I want it to last. I want your granddaughter to be able to wear the beautiful bracelet that grandma bought on Etsy from a cherokee woman at http://vintagemomcreations.etsy.com . That’s my goal right now. I suppose it’s my way of being remembered. Of not being forgotten as many of my ancesters were before I came along and shook out history.

I hope you’ll help me… be remembered that is.

Thank you for learning a little about me.. and listening to my story.

Wado ( a cherokee thank you)

Renita a.k.a. Vintagemom a.k.a. “Denver’s Girl ( My cherokee name)


Pictured above is my son Travis aka Walking Crane during our April 2007 Tribe Meeting.

Black Monday Featured Friend

While chatting on Etsy Forums I found this lovely shop called Sew Much Detail.. I swear she sews like an angel!

Just look at this!!

Romantic Patchwork Shabby Chic Cottage Christmas Stocking made with Robyn Pandolph Laura Ashley Vintage hankie buttons


Pretty as a picture huh? What a wonderful Addition to your vintage christmas! For only $21.50 you can’t beat it!

Go and get it! http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=7462918

From her shop notes…

“Every Part of this lovely stocking is handmade by me in my smoke-free, pet-free sewing studio. I use only excellent quality new and vintage fabrics, trims, and threads. I double-stitch and even triple-stitch my stockings sew they hold all of Santa’s goodies:) I also use a high quality fabric protector so that each stocking will only need a gentle spot clean. A nice bodied layer of interfacing serves to make your stocking hang beautifully! I want your stocking to last forever and more importantly I want you to buy from me again and again because you trust my quality. Thank you sew much again!”


I don’t know about you.. But  I like to buy from positive dependable sellers and this one looks to be responsible~Look lets be reasonable, She cares. Give her a shot?

Shop Handmade, all the time.


Oh am I excited! I have been chatting with the gals on the postive forum thread on Etsy.. and BOY.. if you haven’t started your Christmas Shopping.. Tommorow is the day!!

My fellow Etsians have a little of Everything!!

Please be sure to take a look at the shops right over there>>> under All Handmade Shops! Something for Everyone!!

As for me, I’m doing a sneaky sale. Some of my stuff is free shipping on Black Monday and ALL of my things…

BLACK MONDAY SALE-I’ll TAKE 20% OFF your total order IN THE SHOP BEFORE SHIPPING! Please wait for revised invoice! Happy Shopping!!!

A couple from the shop….


Imagine this at the Company Christmas party.. with the little black dress?

come get it ! http://vintagemomcreations.etsy.com

And how bout these?


I love love love them! And .. um.. remember they are ALL ON SALE TOMMOROW 😉


come visit !


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