2010….into 2011



So much has changed in this one year. First things first.. I now have a baby boy! He truly makes my heart go pitter patter. He has brought many moments of laughter and tears. He’s a kind old soul that just wants to smile and run! He started walking at 8 months old. But, because I’ve been so busy with Alexander and of course Isabel.. and do not forget Sarah! I’ve not had time to spend time with my lovely beads.. until recently. I’ve recently gotten everything in place to begin again my love, my craft. Let me tell you what I’ve been playing with… Beautiful miyaki seed beads. I’ve been creating French Beaded Flowers.. This is one of my first..

From Vintage Mom Creations.. Little Pink FlowerSo much is coming into my heart and mind now.. I just don't have enough time in the day to create all of my thoughts! But, avid reader.. prepare for an arresting amount of delicious beaded pleasure coming soon.. my heart can't be contained for long!As a side note I thought I'd share my newest photo of Ms. Isabel ( she's the one with down syndrome that many of you have grown to love) she's now 4 years old and a wonderful big sister. One of my best friends Joy created this wonderful piece of digital art for me ( you can find her on the internet by searching "Goddessjoy" she makes WONDERFUL jewelry.. and is an artist I guarentee you will love.. her link is also listed on this page) anyway.. here is my baby girl now.. Isabel~our down syndrome princess!


Isabel~our down syndrome princess!

That’s all for now my friends.. Keep watching for more beautiful creations.. coming from Vintage Mom Creations…

New on My Artfire

Vintagemomcreations Artfire is certainly starting to fill up a bit huh?

Night Sky

Night Sky

Night Sky at Artfire

And an old favorite…
I AM The necklace..




New Collection from Vintagemomcreations! Stamped Jewels..

I am so excited about this Collection! I haven’t listed them in the shop yet because I am waiting for suppliers to send my chains ..

I decided not to do the normal “love” “hope” “peace” necklaces and charms ( not yet anyway.) you can buy those just about anywhere. I’ve attempted to create things that I love and enjoy ( and haven’t seen anywhere else!)

All together.. I could just sit with my stamps all day and create.. I LOVE these! Thank God for Goddessjoy! I think she saved my creativity.







One of my favorites..


lol.. I bet Peggy and Aileen are going to be chatting about these for a long time! ( I created these.. thinking about you.. My friends on Airforce Mom’s and Dad’s.. lol. Here’s another..


<<<– That ones for my baby!

I hope someone else loves these as much as I do!

For those of you that I haven’t talked to for awhile, My son Travis is being sent to the middle east. Incirlik, Turkey to be exact. It’s not been easy on me. I really have struggled with the fact that he’s going to be SO far away. But, sometimes mom’s don’t have the option of saying NO. Someone has to protect our country.. and I am incrediably proud that my son is doing it.

I’m one Proud Mama!

Fall collection.. or the beginnning of it!

Mexican Nights and Vintage Bohemia..


This is what happens when I finally allow myself a little time to sit down 🙂 and I have to say it felt really really good! Mexican Nights is a simple piece really.. it’s all about color and sterling silver. ( my personal favorite) Vintage Bohemia comes from a lovely little antique store I visited awhile back ( well, the metal connectors lived there for awhile) I saved her and added some great gemstone cut rectangles.. and wham.. a new/old fall cuff.

You can find both of these bracelets in my shop.. http://www.vintagemomcreations.etsy.com

Have a great Monday!

Thoughts from a morning sunrise..

I find myself thinking about this journey we call life. It’s amazing to me .. As a young child I thought that life was to be lived. Just lived. I didn’t question the heavens about my wedding dress like other little girls. I didn’t follow the latest movie stars or watch alot of television. I was just too busy living.

I thought that’s what you were just supposed to do.. Live. Little did I know that most folks just are not like me. I suppose I’m a little different in that aspect. I would look to the birds and the trees and watch for the leaves to turn their backs to me.. which meant a thunderstorm was coming. Even as a small child, I knew this to be true. I also knew, even as a child that I wasn’t just a little girl. I knew then that I was living a life.

This blog.. is supposed to be my “business” blog. But, again, I tell you, I’m not your normal person. I just think that we should go back to the old ways of doing things a bit. So what if I’m writing this on a computer and not with a quill. Doesn’t that make it more fabulous that I’m willing to share myself with you.. just like back in the day when you could come to my store and have a cup of coffee and saddle your horse outside and you could really know me before you bought a thing from me?

I think it does.

Therefore, today I wanna share my family with you, just a little more.

As most of you know, My son Travis has joined the United States Air Force.

Now, I could sit here all day and tell you about his journey, his accomplishments already but, instead I’ll ask you to look into his eyes.

Look at the future. Look how he is just living his journey.. He’s not afraid to let you see him as he is. He’s not thinking of the days when he will be old and it may be difficult to see. He is just living. Isn’t it wonderful? In this photo below, he is preparing to go and leave for the military.. where for all intents and purposes he could possibly lose his life. And yet, he’s smiling as he gets to his knees and makes himself small so that he can be a shorty too.. He can laugh at the world and smile at the simpleness… Because he’s living. And he’s not ashamed of one damn part of his life. He’s secure. And I’ll have to tell you, As his mother… I am more proud than words that I gave the world this man. This is your Air Force. This is the future. So, when you are worried about the state of the world today.. and you are afraid of what we are to become in the future.. you just come and look at the hope of our future. Go and take a look at the men and women that are signing up to protect us now. They all have this same spark in their eyes. As an American, as a native american, as a mother and a women I have to say that I’m incrediably thankful for the men and women that shine from within. They will live, if not in history books or novels.. they will live forever in their mother’s eyes and I for one plan on telling everyone that will listen.. all about living. Travis would want me to.




God Bless,

Thank you for listening,

Renita… a.k.a. Sweetgrass~Cherokee~Self Representing Jewelry Artist #1688 Vintagemomcreations

Father’s Day

Can you believe Father’s day is just right around the corner? I can’t. And wow are the boys hard to buy for! My husband believes if you need something ( see want) you just go get it. Therefore.. when holidays come, the kids and I are befuddled on what to get him!

So I think we’ve decided to bake a cake and let the kiddos decorate it. ( yay jen) and then.. I’m having a couple photos framed for him…

Here’s one..

How perfect is that?

Daddy’s Girl.

I remember my own daddy’s girl photo.. ya wanna see?

Me and my daddy..

1978 or so..

Wow.. look at those 70’s hot chic clothes huh?

It’s amazing how the time flys. I lost my father in 1994 and I swear it seems like yesterday we were posing for this photo together.

Remember your daddy’s on father’s day little girls. Time flys…


Being Grateful… Are you?

I’ve been thinking.. about being Grateful…

I am.

I’m grateful that my daughter Isabel 

 Doesn’t have the medical problems that most children with Down Syndrome have. She’s healthy and walking and trying to talk. We’ve made it to 21 months. Safely. I’m grateful for that.

I’m grateful that my son, age 19, has decided to join the United States Air Force and not the Marine’s. I could actually get down on my knees and cry till I collapse just thinking of my baby in the military.. but at least he’s choosing the Air Force. ( A mother’s denial that everything will be ok.)


I’m grateful that my middle daughter ( age 12) is a good girl. I’m glad we could afford to get her braces on.


Personally I’m grateful that I woke up again and with courage and help from above I have the strength to carry the things I must carry on my shoulders. If my husband we not a great human being I wouldn’t be able to do it.

I’m also grateful that I had 3 hours to myself yesterday.. and I made a really great necklace 🙂


I’m grateful. Are you?


OK, so readers, I have made a decision that I think may have come from way tooo MUCH THINKING during our latest “Blizzard”. I’ve decided to have a Blowout sale.

I’ve been adding many new designs weekly and I think it’s time to move out the old and bring on the new. There’s some very cool things on sale…

Come on in .. and browse..


Many Blessings! Renita

For the Past Month

Things have been just downright wacky. We had family visiting and we all promptly caught the flu.. and everything else under the sun. The short of it all is that we were just all down for the count. The last 3 weeks is a blur.

BUT, that being said I have found my creative footing again. I went through a stage that was weird. Not bad, just not comfortable. I was wracking my brain trying to decide what to make.. what to MAKE?

And suddenly.. actually slowly.. Thoughts started forming. Designs.. Ideas.. and they are flowing so fast that I have a difficult time deciding what to list on Etsy first.

Here’s the latest.. ( that’s actually listed)





Do you want to know what happened?

I stopped being afraid. Afraid of failing.. afraid of wasting supplies on dumb ideas. ( sterling is expensive!)

I just said.. Let’s Do it!

Whaddya think?

Where have I been?

I’ll tell you , sometimes when you are a mommy and an artist minded soul ( like me) You just DO NOT want to hang out on the computer. I’d really truly rather be doing something more fun. My latest round of fun has been this.. I made a diaper cake.


What the heck is a diaper cake?.. you might ask…

Well, I started out with a pack of size one diapers and went from there. I rolled them individually with little girl hair ties ( to be used later ) and then slowly went about building a tiered “cake”  The ingredients for my cake?

one.jpg2.jpg Tulle, Pink Roses, about 60 size one pampers, 3 baby blankets, baby wash clothes, a box of wipes, pacifiers.. all kinds of fun stuff hanging off. The ideas are endless.

This ones for “Racheal” She’ll be here soon.

Many Blessings to all,

I’ll try to continue to update you!

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